General Quesions


1. LineThemes is an Elite Author now

2. How to update plugin Visual Composer

3. How to create Google Maps API Key

4. Who chooses Linethemes?

5. Theme Customization Tips Tricks

6. How to update WordPress theme

7. Site translate or multilingual

8. Using ChildTheme to customize

9. Contact Form settings

10. Install Theme and Import Sample Data issue

11. Update FontAwesome for more icon

1. LineThemes is an Elite Author now

Woohoo, LineThemes has just become an Elite Author!
So let us express the joy and our special thanks to you, our customers.
Without your support we couldn't reach this achievement, and from now we are more confident and enthusiasm to serve you even better!

Please visit us here to see all of our collections:

LineTheme Elite Author

2. How to update plugin Visual Composer

To update plugin Visual Composer to the latest version, please follow the steps below.

  1. Install the plugin  Easy Theme And Plugin Upgrades at
  2. Download the latest version  of Visual Composer from 
  3. Following the instruction at to update the plugin.

3. How to create Google Maps API Key

In order to embed a Google Map on your website, you’ll need to integrate a “Google Maps Javascript API Key” into your site. This is done through the Google Console and by pasting the API key into our Line Shortcodes settings.

Getting an API key is not complicated and just requires a couple of minutes of your time. In the process, you will need to create a billing account or use credentials of already existing one, which will be used for payment, in case you exceed your limits. So be prepared to have your billing data with you. Following 3 steps, described below, you will get your API key.

Step 1 – Create your project

  1. To start the procedure, go to Google Maps Platform

  2. Press “Get Started” button and in the appeared window tick all three types of products. Press Continue.

  3. In the updated window, choose Select a project and enter project name in the box below. Then click Next.

Step 2 – Create a billing account

  1. In the updated window, click Create Billing Account.

  2. Create a name for you billing project and press Continue. Fill in the appeared form with your contact data and payment information and click Next.

Step 3 – Get your API key

  1. In the appeared window, you will be offered to enable your APIs. Press Next.

  2. You will see a new window with your API key in the box. Save the key to be able to use it and press Done.

All you need to do is copy-paste the key to the plugin settings page. Please go to Settings => Line Shortcodes then paste your created API Key into the text field.

4. Who chooses Linethemes?

We're proud to introduce to you the list of beautiful websites created from our themes here (It's constantly updating)

#1 - KONSTRUCT - Russian





#6 BOO

#7 HnK

5. Theme Customization Tips Tricks

1. Remove "Leave a Reply" or the Comment box:

If you installed our sample data, some pages & posts were enabled to comment in their own settings.

In order to disable the comment box "Leave a Reply" please do some following steps:

We have made 2 screenshots for you to make it easily.

Screen Options & Discussion

Find Screen Options toggle bar and select Discussion check box

Uncheck Allow comments option to disable Comment box

6. How to update WordPress theme

Updating your theme to the latest version is so important since it not only offers you the new features but also protects you from other bugs. We hope that the following guide will help you carry out this task much more easily.

NOTICE: it is recommended that you should back up your theme before updating its new version, particularly if you have made some modifications. Also, install the child theme is recommended.

Update via Envato Market plugin

This is a preferred way to update our theme. Please download and install plugin Envato Market from You should follow an instruction to update the theme from this page.

Update via FTP: 

  1. Backup your old theme *
  2. Upload the new theme override the old one in wp-content/themes folder
  3. Re-apply your customization **

* Backup theme: You can use FTP client to make a copy of your old theme located on wp-content/themes folder

** Re-apply customization: if you have to do any code change, please merge it from the old version to the new one. BUT if you used Child Theme to customize your site before, this step will be skipped.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: After updating your theme, it's important to update your required plugins to ensure both theme & plugins can work properly. Go to Plugins >> Installed Plugins then update all the plugin which have Required Update status.

7. Site translate or multilingual

1. If you want to translate your website to another language:

- The fist step to change the default language of your site is go to Admin > Settings > General > Site Language: choose your language in the drop down list. However, this action only translate the core of WorldPress, you still need to install another plugin to help you translate the external themes and plugins you have installed.

- Bellow is a popular plugin will help you translate your site easily:

Loco Translate Free

Check its detailed documentation here to know how it works

2. If you want to build a multilingual WordPress site:

You can install one of two following plugin, they all allow you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. Check their documentations to know more about usages.

- Polylang Free


- WPML Paid


Last but not least, this is some instructions which we think you could find it useful.

8. Using ChildTheme to customize

If you have made some customization in your Main theme for example add extra CSS/JS/PHP code, unfortunately, whenever you update the Main theme it will be lost.

So what could you do to preserve all of your Custom code? The key is: you should install, active and place all of your custom code in the Child theme.

Let we clarify more for you by some examples:

1. Adding custom CSS via style.css file:

If you need a Google font which is not included in our available font list like Poppins. Please install ChildTheme, then add the following CSS code to the file style.css in folder "your-folder\wp-content\themes\your-theme-child" to add it.

@import url(;

NOTE: The @import line of code should be the very first line in your CSS file

2. Custom the available PHP files:

In case you want to customize another template file such as 404.php, copy it from the Main theme folder to the Child theme folder in the same folder hierarchy, then edit it.

For more details: Firstly, copy the original 404.php file in "your-folder\wp-content\themes\your-theme" to the "your-folder\wp-content\themes\your-theme-child". Secondly, you can make whatever modifications you want to it.

3. Using function.php to add additional PHP function:

The structure of functions.php is simple with an opening PHP tag at the top, and below it, you can add many functions as you wish.

The example below shows an elementary functions.php file that does one simple thing: Adds a favicon link to the head element of HTML pages.

To do that you need go to the "your-folder\wp-content\themes\your-theme-child" folder, open the functions.php file and add this code:

<?php // Opening PHP tag - nothing should be before this, not even whitespace
// Custom Function to Include
function favicon_link() {
    echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />' . "\n";
add_action( 'wp_head', 'favicon_link' );

If you have installed the Child Theme, you can alternatively go to Appearance > Editor to modify the functions.php.

For more information, please read this official WordPress document about Child theme

9. Contact Form settings

Sometimes, you make your new the contact form but haven't received the email although you have inputted the correct information. This issue is due to the settings of your contact form.

In order to make the contact form works: you need to match the settings between Form and Mail tab follow this image instruction:

10. Install Theme and Import Sample Data issue

* Many issues that you may run into such as; white screen, demo content fails when importing and other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

1 - Please make sure you have done the properly installation order is: install & active theme > install & active plugins > install Sample Data.
2 - Increase your PHP Configuration Limits, bellow is the recommended of PHP Configuration:

** If you have done all but still encounter this issue and your web sever is Nginx. It might be problem of Nginx server configuration has the too low response time. You should increase the timeout to 300 the try to reinstall the sample data.

11. Update FontAwesome for more icon

Hi! The current version of FontAwesome seems to be old now as it don't have the Yelp icon, etc. So, update to the latest version will be a good choice. However, it might be complex to do. Bellow we give you some code to get the FontAwesome from the CDN, as well as add the new Yelp icon. Please insert the following code into the end of functions.php file. BUT, we recommend you using Child Theme to avoid losing all of your Custom Code whenever Main Theme is update. For more details of using Child Theme, check out here

 * This action will remove the fontawesome that bundled
 * in the theme and use the CDN instead
add_action( 'init', 'anycar_fontawesome_cdn', 99 );

if ( ! function_exists( 'anycar_fontawesome_cdn' ) ) {
    function anycar_fontawesome_cdn() {
        wp_deregister_style( 'op-fontawesome' );
        wp_deregister_style( 'anycar-fontawesome' );

        wp_register_style( 'op-fontawesome', '//', array(), '4.5.0' );
        wp_register_style( 'anycar-fontawesome', '//', array(), '4.5.0' );

 * The filter for adding Yelp icon into
 * the theme customizer
add_filter( 'op_available_social_icons', 'anycar_social_icons' );

if ( ! function_exists( 'anycar_social_icons' ) ) {
    function anycar_social_icons( $icons ) {
        $icons['yelp'] = array(
            'icon_class' => 'fa-yelp',
            'title'      => 'Yelp'
        return $icons;

At the last step, please add this code into Appearance >> Advanced >> Custom CSS to change the icon's background. Alternatively, adding code in style.css file in your-folder\wp-content\themes\your-theme-child folder is a advanced method.

#site-header #headerbar .social-links a i.fa-yelp {
    background: #C41200;